divendres, 29 de maig del 2020

Gangkhar Puensum highest peak in the world that has never been reached

The summit of Gangkhar Puensum

This giant peak that overlooks Bhutan and China is the fortieth-tallest summit on Earth, reaching 7,500 metres (24,600 ft) above sea level. It is also the highest peak in the world that has never been reached, despite several failed attempts. Since 2003, it has been forbidden to climb it. The mountain’s name translates as White Peak of the Three Spiritual Brothers.

L'atac nord-americà de Doolittle contra el Japó va canviar el corrent de la Segona Guerra Mundial

Fa 80 anys: el Doolittle Raid va marcar el dia que sabíem que podríem guanyar la Segona Guerra Mundial. Com a patriòtic nord-americà, durant...