Ancient Egyptian papyrus one of the first records of a man called out for sexual assault
A 3,000-year-old Egyptian text is being reassessed as one of the first records of a powerful man being accused of sexual assault.
The script, known as Papyrus Salt 124, outlines a list of alleged indiscretions by an important artisan called Paneb, who lived in Thebes in about 1200BC. Its ruins lie within the modern Egyptian city of Luxor.
Paneb was the chief foreman in a community of artisans who built royal tombs in the ancient city. But his apparent corruption, both legal and moral, led one furious peer to write a complaint to the pharaoh’s chief official.
The history of Paneb is not new as the papyrus was discovered in the 19th century by Egyptologist Henry Salt.
Egyptian Antiquity : papyrus of the Book of the Dead. Late Period, Louvre Museum, Paris
But the allegations regarding his sexual misconduct are beginning to take on new weight in the modern era, when the #MeToo has held powerful men to account for sexual harrassment.
An English translation of the papyrus, by Jaroslav Cerny in 1929, provided details of Paneb’s alleged crimes and prompted Egyptologists to take a real interest in the manuscript for the first time.
The chief accusation by the author, Amennakht, was that Paneb bribed his way to the position of chief workman, a job Amennakht himself was due to inherit. But he went on to allege a litany sexual assault and adultery charges, although ambiguities in the text make the exact nature of some of the charges unclear.
One allegation of rape, however, does appear clear cut. Amennakht accused Paneb of taking the clothes of a woman called Yemenwaw, before he “threw her on top of a wall and violated her”.
Archaeoraptor Some of the most important dino fossil discoveries have come out of China. But so have a few frauds. Here's what we know: warm blooded dinosaurs, usually predatory carnivores, made the slow evolutionary step into birds we see today, including ducks. Yes, you have to accept the duck as a dinosaur, despite all your better judgment. But as with much of the fossil record, there are blanks to fill in. An animal's bones don't simply become a fossil. The climate has to be right for the sediments to settle in without erosion, leading to incomplete fossils and other blanks to fill in. A once-arid region may turn wet, or migration may move animals from one climate to another, leaving holes in the path between the velociraptor-like dinosaurs and the mallard. So it was with some fanfare that the archaeoraptor came to the forefront in 1999, but not without heavy reservation. Put simply, the scientific community didn't buy it, but National Geographic did. Author John Pickrell attributes the phenomenon of fake fossils on poor farmers in China hoping to carve out a little cash. A paper in Nature caught the fraud by identifying the specific parts. It seems that various dinosaur fossils were applied to remains of a Yanornis martini, a newly discovered early bird.
In another, Amennakht relayed testimony by Paneb’s own son Aapehty, who swore on oath examples of “debauchery” by his father, including one in which Aapehty took part himself.
The word Cerny translates as “debauched”, however, does not make it clear whether the interactions were consensual or not.
Rowland Enmarch, senior lecturer of Egyptology at the University of Liverpool, told The Independent the ancient Egyptians considered adultery “morally reprehensible”.
“Sleeping with married women, whether they wanted to or not, was a no-no, and particularly taking them by force just makes it worse,” he said.
Piltdown Man
Perhaps the most notorious fraud in the search for a "missing link" (which is a misnomer, by the way) was the Piltdown Man. Charles Dawson, who proclaimed the find in 1912, was rather, shall we say, eccentric. The non-credentialed paleontologist and anthropologist had plenty of discoveries under his belt, ranging from valid to fallacious to outright frauds, before Piltdown rocked the world.
There's plenty of reasons to be suspicious of any claimed "missing link," and that's especially true for a skull found in a quarry in the United Kingdom, far from the source of the great apes in Africa. Dawson proclaimed the Piltdown man fell somewhere between apes and humans.
Not so much. It turned out in the end that Piltdown was a great ape, but a 1953 investigation conducted long after Dawson's death revealed it to be a modern ape bleached and artificially weathered to look like a 500,000-year-old jawbone. Research from 2010 suggests that Dawson acted alone in the fraud.
Paneb was “probably put to death eventually”, Mr Enmarch said, which “may have had something to do with filching materials from the royal tombs” – an even more serious offence.
“I’m not sure sexual misdemeanours were necessarily capital offences, whereas stealing from the King was,” he added.
Whatever eventually befell Paneb, the case, as unearthed by Quartz, remains a lesson in how men for millennia have been able to abuse their position of authority.